Friday, 14 February 2014

2 km FM transmitter

2 km FM transmitter

With a matching antenna, the FM transmitter circuit shown here can transmit signals up to a range of 2 kilo meters. The transistor Q1 and Q2 forms a classic high sensitive preamplifier stage. The audio signal to be transmitted is coupled to the base of Q1 through capacitor C2. R1, R3, R4, R6, R5 and R9 are the biasing resistors for the preamplifier stage comprising of Q1 and Q2. Transistor Q3 performs the collective job of oscillator, mixer and final power amplifier.C9 and L1 forms the tank circuit which is essential for creating oscillations. Inductor L2 couples the FM signal to the antenna.
Circuit diagram.
2km Fm transmitter
  • Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB.
  • The circuit can be powered from anything between 9 to 24V DC.
  • Inductor L3 can be a VK220J type RFC.
  • For L1 make 3 turns of 1mm enamelled copper wire on a 10mm diameter plastic former. On the same core make 2 turns of 1 mm enamelled copper wire close to L1 and that will be L2.
  • Frequency can be adjusted by varying C9.
  • R9 can be used to adjust the gain.
  • For optimum performance, value of C8 must be also adjusted.
  • Using a battery for powering the circuit will reduce noise.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

simple FM transmitter

                simple FM transmitter

Here, is a very interesting and simple project in the series of communication used to transmit noise free F.M. signal in the wide range up to 100 M using only one transistor. The transmitted message from F.M. transmitter circuit is received by the receiver having the facilities of F.M. channel or you can also try F.M. receiver circuit published in this website.

Circuit Description of simple F.M. transmitter

The entire circuit of F.M. transmitter is divided into three major stage i.e. oscillator, modulator and amplifier. The transmitting frequency of 88-108 MHz is generated by adjusting VC1. The input voice given to microphone is changed into electric signal and is given to base of transistor T1. Transistor T1 is used as oscillator which oscillates the frequency of 88-108 MHz. The oscillated frequency is depended upon the value R2, C2, L2 and L3. This transmitted signal from F.M. transmitter is received and tuned by F.M. receiver.
simple and powerful f.m. transmitter


Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 180 KΩ
R2 = 10 KΩ
R3 = 15 KΩ
R4 = 4.7 KΩ


C1 = 10 KPF
C2 = 10 PF
C3 = 20 KPF
C4 = 0.001 µF
C5 = 1 µF/10V
C6 = 4.7 PF
C7 = 10 KPF
C8 = 3.3 PF
VC1 = 22 PF


T1 = BF194B


MIC1 = Condenser mike
L1, L2 = 3 turns of 22 SWG wire around any thin pencil
L3 = 2 turns of 22 SWG wire around any thin pencil.

Walky-talky without using inductor or coil

Walky-talky without using inductor or coil

Walky-talky in this website is world 1st verified walky-talky project without using coil. Walky talky is very interesting and attain grabbing project for electronics hobbyist. Communication is done without any physical connection and mobile network up range of 500 meter. Almost all communication devices utilize coil which is burden for electronics hobbyist. So, we design this circuit without using any coil.

Circuit Descriptions of walky-talky

The entire circuit of walky-talky is divided into two main section transmitter and receiver section.
Transmitter section:- Transmitter section utilize  IC NE566 (IC4) as VCO (Voltage Control Oscillator) for generating frequency about 30 KHz. Resistor R24 with Capacitor C24 used as frequency components for frequencies determination. Voice is pick-up by mike (MIC1) and changed it into equivalent electrical signal. Signal from microphone is amplified by transistor T4 and given to pin no 5 0f IC4. NAND gate N1 with crystal oscillator XT4 finalizes the output from pin 3 of IC3. Lastly, signal from NAND N2 through N3 and N4 given to antenna for transmission.
Receiver section: - Transmitted signal from another walky-talky is received from same antenna which is used for transmission. Field effect transistor T1 boosts the received signal and make more powerful and send to amplifier section made from transistor T2 and T3 with crystal oscillator XT1 through XT3. Detector section is made from diode D1, Capacitor C6 and resistor R12. 30 KHz frequency is obtained from detector section.
Frequency of Phase Locked Loop IC NE565 (IC1) is adjusted by capacitor C9, resistor R17 and variable resistor VR1. Amplifier IC LM386 (IC2) is used to amplify the signal and given to speaker.


Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 47 KΩ
R2 = 100 Ω
R3, R4, R11, R27 = 2.2 KΩ
R5 = 330 KΩ
R6, R10 = 560 Ω
R7 = 1 KΩ
R8 = 220 KΩ
R9 = 100 Ω
R12, R15, R16 = 4.7 KΩ
R13, R31 = 10 KΩ
R14 = 15 KΩ
R17 = 1.8 KΩ
R18 = 1.2 KΩ
R19 = 1 KΩ
R20 = 4.7 Ω
R21, R22 = 100 KΩ
R23 = 120 KΩ
R24 = 5.6 KΩ
R25 = 22 KΩ
R26 = 150 KΩ
R28 = 330 Ω
R29 = 220 KΩ
R30 = 47 KΩ
VR1 = 4.7 KΩ
VR2 = 22 KΩ


C1, C6, C10, C24 = 1 KpF
C2, C4, C5 = 47 KpF
C3 = 20 KpF
C7, C9, C23= 2.2 KpF
C8 = 4.7 µF/16V
C11 = 22 KpF
C12, C16 = 0.1 µF
C13 = 2.2 µF/16 V
C14, C19, C25, C26 = 0.22 µF
C15 = 10 µF/16V
C17 = 220 µF/16V
C18, C20 = 10 KpF
C21, C22 = 68 pF
C27 = 1000 µF/16V
C28 = 10 µF/16V


IC1 = NE565 (Phase Lock IC)
IC2 = LM386 (Amplifier IC)
IC3 = CD4011 (Quad 2-input NAND Gate IC)
IC4 = LM566 (Voltage Controlled Oscillator)
IC5 = LM7812 (Voltage Regulator)
T1 = BFW10
T2, T3 = BF194
T4 = BC148
D1 = 1N4148


XT1 – XT4 = 10.7 MHz crystal
SW1 = Single pole double throw switch
LS1 = 8Ω speaker
MIC1 = Condenser microphone

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Varying brightness AC lamp

Varying brightness AC lamp

In this circuit, an SCR is used to slowly vary the intensity of a 120 volt light bulb by controlling the time that the AC line voltage is applied to the lamp during each half cycle.


The circuit is directly connected to the AC power line and should be placed inside an enclosure that will prevent direct contact with any of the components. To avoid electrical shock, do not touch any part of the circuit while it is connected to the AC power line. A 2K, 10 watt power resistor is used to drop the line voltage down to 9 volts DC. This resistor will dissipate about 7 watts and needs some ventilation.


A couple NPN transistors are used to detect the beginning of each half cycle and trigger a delay timer which in turn triggers the SCR at the end of the delay time. The delay time is established by a current source which is controlled by a 4017 decade counter. The first count (pin 3) sets the current to a minimum which corresponds to about 7 milliseconds of delay, or most of the half cycle time so that the lamp is almost off. Full brightness is obtained on the sixth count (pin 1) which is not connected so that the current will be maximum and provide a minimum delay and trigger the SCR near the beginning of the cycle. The remaining 8 counts increment the brightness 4 steps up and 4 steps down between maximum and minimum. Each step up or down provides about twice or half the power, so that the intensity appears to change linearly. The brightness of each step can be adjusted with the 4 resistors (4.3K, 4.7K, 5.6K, 7.5K) connected to the counter outputs. The circuit has been built by Don Warkentien (WODEW) who suggsted adding a small 47uF capacitor from ground to the junction of the current source transistor (PNP) to reduce the digital stepping effect so the lamp will brighten and fade in a smoother fashion. The value of this capacitor will depend on the 4017 counting rate, a faster rate would require a smaller capacitor.

120 VAC Lamp Dimmer

120 VAC Lamp Dimmer

The full wave phase control circuit below was found in a RCA power circuits book from 1969. The load is placed in series with the AC line and the four diodes provide a full wave rectified voltage to the anode of a SCR. Two small signal transistors are connected in a switch configuration so that when the voltage on the 2.2uF capacitor reaches about 8 volts, the transistors will switch on and discharge the capacitor through the SCR gate causing it to begin conducting. The time delay from the beginning of each half cycle to the point where the SCR switches on is controlled by the 50K resistor which adjusts the time required for the 2uF capacitor to charge to 8 volts. As the resistance is reduced, the time is reduced and the SCR will conduct earlier during each half cycle which applies a greater average voltage across the load. With the resistance set to minimum the SCR will trigger when the voltage rises to about 40 volts or 15 degrees into the cycle. To compensate for component tollerances, the 15K resistor can be adjusted slightly so that the output voltage is near zero when the 50K pot is set to maximum. Increasing the 15K resistor will reduce the setting of the 50K pot for minimum output and visa versa. Be careful not to touch the circuit while it is connected to the AC line.

Lamp Flasher using NE 555

Flasher Circuit using NE 555


This is the circuit diagram of lamp flasher operated from mains. By this you can flash up to 200 Watt lamps at rates determined by you. IC NE555 is wired as an astable multivibrator for producing the pulses for flashing the lamp. The flashing rate can be set by the value of resistors R2 & R3.
Diodes D1 & D2 provides a half wave rectified regulated supply for the IC. Transistor T1 is used to drive triac and triac BT136 for driving the load. Resistor R4 limits the base current of Q1.

Flashing Circuit Diagram & Parts List



  • Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB or common board.
  • Connect a 100K pot instead of R2 if you need frequent changes in rate.
  • Many parts of the circuit are live with potential shock hazards.So please be careful.
  • As usual use an IC holder for mounting the IC.

        Modified Circuit

Lamp Flasher Circuit Using 555 Timer

Hi Fi Amplifier circuit

Hi Fi Amplifier Circuit – 2X12 Watts


Here is the circuit of a 2X12 watt H iFi  amplifier circuit using IC TDA 2616 from Phillips.A quiet simple and robust circuit using very less components.This makes the circuit ideal for a portable power amplifier.The circuit delivers 12 Watts power on  8 Ohm speaker for each channel at +/- 12 V dual supply.
The TDA2616 is a  stereo power amplifier IC comes  in a 9-lead single-in-line (SIL9) plastic power package (SOT131). This IC is  specially designed for mains fed amplifier circuits, such as stereo radio,tape  and television .The IC has good gain balance of both channels and Hi-fi in accordance with IEC 268 and DIN 45500 standards.Also the IC TDA 2616 has special inbuilt circuit for the  suppression of noise signals at the inputs, during switch-on and switch-off.This prevents click sounds during power on and power off.

Hi Fi Amplifier Circuit Diagram with Parts List.

Hi Fi Amplifier Circuit Schematic
                                 Hi Fi Amplifier Circuit Diagram


  • All capacitors except C10 & C9 are ceramic.
  • All capacitors must be rated 50V.
  • Use a well regulated and filtered +/- 12 V dual power supply that is able to provide at least 2 A continuous current.


TDA 2616 Pin assignment & layout.

TDA 2616 PIN Description

                  TDA 2616 PIN Diagram and Configuration

We have more Audio Circuits in our website, that you may like to read;
1. Low Cost Amplifier
2. 50 Watt Transistor Amplifier
3. 3 Band Graphic Equalizer
4. Sound Shifter Circuit
5. Speech Amplifier Circuit